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Crystal Family

Crystal Family

Crystal placement with chakras

Sol Star Terminated Sphalerite
Tower pointing towards the sol star. This was placed additionally, as the receiving pad from the alignment to share with the copper enhanced chakra layout.
Properties: Awakening ancient streams of consciousness and wisdom. / Ancestral healing/ Cosmic untangling. Ultimately used to bring in and ground the cosmic heart energies onto this earth and and into the water memory and the quartz Merkabah/ Tetrahedron.

Crown (West) Raw Chalcopyrite
For the cardinal direction of where the Pleiades and Venus came into alignment leading from the pre solstice into solstice). 
Third Eye (Northwest) Azurite
Such a deep beautiful blue to immerse yourself in, and this raw crystal piece takes you somewhere deep!
Properties: Copper carbonate mineral. stone to unlock the third eye properties such as psychic abilities, lucid dreaming, astral projection, intuitive mediation, and inner vison. Raises one’s mental awareness, clarity, intellect, and wisdom that you can reach new goals and desires.

Throat (North) Chrysocolla
In such a shade of turquoise that it looks like you are looking down from the sky onto the Maldives. Heavenly!!

Properties: Hydrous Copper Silicate. A stone for emanating truth/ Clear Self-expression/ expanded awareness/ Empowerment/communication in a gentle and calming manner. Useful for mastering fear and reducing emotional overwhelm or panic.
Heart (Northeast) Malachite
This powerful layered stone reveals a heart shape in the centre that is being shared with the water droplets.
Properties: Is a copper carbonate mineral. Holding strong protective properties, this stone fills our auric fields with positivity, and absorbs negativity. This is a strong stone to lift and reveal emotions that no longer serves you. This stone opens the heart and brings through balance on all levels/ self-confidence/ lifting baggage or trauma/ self-responsibility along the Spiritual path. 
Solar Plexus (East) Polished Chalcopyrite with Pietersite
I was guided to hold the stomach mind the gut instinct and will power centre with the unlocking potential that the rare Pietersite shares.

Properties: Pietersite: Reactivates the fire from within, roaring with full drive, determination, and undeniable desire. Linking with the third eye for achieving dreams. / Insight/ intuition/increased power of the will/precognition/ interdimensional travel/ Self- transformation/ sharpens visions/telepathic knowing/ Helps clear any stagnant energies stuck within the Solar Plexus. 

EarthStar (Southwest) Raw Covellite
When holding this in its rare crystal form, it feels very powerful, transformative, mysterious yet full of potential – a bit like visiting the creative void. It is so dark in colour it looks so black.
Properties: Copper Sulphide. A bridging stone from the physical ( higher)to the ethereal (lower worlds), and brings about transformation and change in a deep manner. This crystal reveals to you your shadows ( to conscious awareness) in order to reach the next level of being/ support for past life work/ physical healing from a karmic issue/communication with the higher realms/ channelling and grounding higher vibrations/help structure thoughts so that ideas can be expressed more clearly.
Southwest – West Peacock Ore
Such a brilliant turquoise ray to represent the Pleiades blue – white stars. This is Chalcopyrite that has been exposed to acid to create these eye-catching colours. (Also known as Bornite).
Properties: From an original ore of copper to be transformed this way, reveals this to be a Happiness stone, for the brilliant blue, gold and in a way reminds us to laugh and dance, This stone wants us to reach our highest good and shine your magnificence like that of the peacock’s shimmering ‘ Goddess’ Tail.
Within the water memory - Centre – Quartz Tetrahedron / Mer Ka Ba

This sacred geometry received the Rainbow and plasma rays of the highest sun through out the alchemy, this was photographed and shared into the water (a first for me !), so incredible to witness and know this has been anchored in to the memory. 
This Mer-ka-ba also mirrors the chariot of light that can be created around your physical body when you travel to visit Venus and meet and receive any heart teachings.

Raindow Plasma

Rainbow Plasma

Rainbow Plasma


Before sharing the droplets into your energy field hold the bottle your heart and say these following words out aloud.
"Dear Queen of the Sky, burst your higher coherent energy of true Beauty, Love and Light into my desires and heart this day. May I rise with the flame of compassion burning bright and with courage. Reveal to me how to walk the beauty way with surrender and grace".
"Planet of Divine Feminine, with you I dance my truth, I dance my art, I dance my wonder, and I dance my wild desires into being".
"Goddess of the seas, shimmer and speak to me, so I may express my authentic truth and carry the call of your love within my sacred waters and sphere of energy (aura)".
"May the Cosmic Ocean of Divine Love flow freely though the hearts, minds and souls of all living beings evolving on this planet. Filling the ground, the flora and fauna, the air and waterways with the unforgettable fragrance of the unfolding Rose of Love”.
"May we seek to receive the full opening and luminous way of being, so that all petals and facets of our hearts radiate your truest Love and vibration, connecting all hearts as one heart
 through all dimensions".
"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you….and so it is".
As a suggestion you could say one of the five invocations for a week, until you feel a shift within your heart, or one of the facets within your heart has been opened and illuminated.

If there are any aspects of Cosmic Heart that you wish to connect with, bee creative and create your own personal invocation to include.

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