Priestess Rose

Priestess Rose Front Label

Priestess Rose Single Bottle

Priestess Rose Back Label

Priestess Rose Front Label
This sacred and Holy water memory comes from an ancient well source within the land of Avalon known as Mother Spring at Healing Waters.. This water memory holds so much capacity to assist us with our own unfolding, blossoming and radiance to reveal our truest self.
For all that links in with the Rose Lineage and the Rose grid. This water memory acts like an ally companion, as each petal within us opens to the Light. These droplets share the energetic links to reclaiming and celebrating our authenticity, purity and Divine Feminine Energy.
On a Soul level we hit the amnesia button when we reincarnated into this Lifetime, however, there has never been a better time to remember and reclaim our birthright and re-ignite the hearts with passion.
From a sisterhood retreat organised by the wonderful woman Sarah Sonraya Grace who steered an unforgettable weekend of Love, trust, weaving magic and collectively we created a ceremony that re activated this sacred Well from being hidden from the mists of time.
This water memory really does support the various stages that we go through to be who we truly are. Personally, I was very stirred by the whole experience as I entered what felt like walking into a secret garden. We were greeted by tall grasses, an openness inside and an array of tea roses growing in the hedgerow that it smelt in parts so sweet I believed Honey was in the air. Naturally, there was Mr and Mrs Blackbird who made an appearance who I felt were guardians in some way. Linking in with the Michael Line, the water element, Sirius and dear Goddess Isis, the heart flows of ourselves and planet expanded. A beautiful synchronicity, the next day a crop circle appeared the following morning within the Heart Star of Avebury. From both, I could sense the rebirth, the Joy, the liveliness, the young womanhood sensations of celebration from this sacred Spring, and within me too.
With the Priestess flows along with our Sisterhood and the Sacred Feminine and Masculine presence, we shared loving connections with Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Goddess Isis, Lady of Avalon, Yeshua, Merlin and Osiris.
This water memory is filled with magical synchronicities, heart support and so many beautiful alignments that helps us to flower in life.
With prayers and intentions Priestess Rose supports:
connectedness with the Rose Lineage and the Rose Grid.
an expansion of qualities such as purity, innocence, dreamtime, and beauty within.
the experience of the frequency of freedom.
our own growth and journey.
supporting you with the opening of the well of dreams, also known as the Alta Major (the other opening to the third eye at the back of the head).
sacred practices with the rites of Love and womb healing.
the universal Love signature from across all realms including Venus.
messages for the heart and your own true self returning.
I am eternally grateful to Sarah Sonraya Grace for bringing us together and creating the best environment for us to flourish. I also share loving thanks to the fellow sisters for their creative flows: Sharon, Tara, Karen, Janey and Wendy. I am also incredibly grateful to Juliet Yelverton and her Healing Waters Sanctuary family for saying ‘Yes’ for this water memory energy to be co-created.
General suggestions on ‘How to use’.
For an instant connection and Energy top up: Spray a mini rainbow shape of Priestess Rose at the soul star chakra (as far as your arm will reach above the crown of your head), as the droplets fall, breathe the droplets into your body towards your heart, as they pass your nose. Sweep any other droplets towards your heart.
For a deeper connection with Priestess Rose droplets:
Take a few centred breathes and sink your awareness into your heart centre. Create a moment to feel how you want the energies of the droplets to assist.
Tap the bottle three times underneath to connect with the energy droplets.
Say out aloud how you want the droplets to assist (your intention) For example, ‘I ask for these droplets to assist me in connecting with my womb wisdom and my inner Holy grail’. Or ‘Dear Priestess Rose, I call upon your energy and liquid light and connect with the sacred temple, let me sit in the Light and Love of the Rose lineage. Thank you and so it is.’ Or,’ I wish to experience the frequency of freedom and experience my true self returning’.
Spray a spiral inward either over your Sacral, higher- heart, third eye or around the whole of your body. Alternatively, a shape of a rose or flower of life with the droplets of Priestess Rose. Allow the droplets to fall, breathe deeply through the nose when you feel the droplets pass your nose, and visualise the natural vibrations touching all your cells, chakras, spine, higher heart, mind and the whole of your being.
If spraying above the crown, you can also sweep the energy droplets down the front of the body, lift each foot individually and then sweep the droplets with intention up the back of the body, to create a whole circuit of energy in your temple space.
Alternatively, create a meditation space and visualise a rose opening from a bud through to its fullest opening, with your awareness, as you witness the different stages to the full glory of the peak of opening and sense how this feels within your physical body. Experience this with the red and the white rose colours first.
Pause to receive the energy and any messages, prompts, knowing(s).
This water energy is supportive for inner journeying, connecting with the body’s intelligence especially the womb, heart and third eye
You may want to have Priestess Rose to assist in lifting the mist of previous lifetimes, to assist in assisting you to Remember, Rejoice and Rise. Especially as these beautiful droplets links in with the Divinely guided light signatures from our Universe.
This energy is incredibly supportive as you connect with the way of the Ancients, Venus, Central Suns and naturally the Goddess.
Celebrate how far you have come on your journey!
Ultimately, follow your own intuition and only take what resonates with you.
Vibrational Contents & Ingredients
Each 100ml bottle contains pure Dartmoor water, glacial alcohol as a preservative.
Water memory from: from the sacred Well Spring within The Healing Waters Sanctuary.
Crystal Vibrations: Morganite and Rose Quartz.
Fragrance: (less than 1%) Melissa and Rose Maroc.
Further Information or advice:
if you would like further information or advice on Priestess Rose Essence please do not hesitate to contact us.
£20.00 100ml bottle plus postage and packaging. To make a purchase please visit our Shop.