Temples of Light

5th July - 6th July 2025
Goddess House, 28 Magdelene Street, Glastonbury, Somerset. BA6 9EJ. UK
Join us for what promises to be a powerful opportunity to come together in person and experience the magic of purity in a very meaningful and sacred way on this two day event beginning on the 5th July 2025.
Over the last few years, waters from different temples of light from around our planet have been lovingly collected and are now being brought together to align 'as one' for the first time within the heart chakra of our beautiful planet Earth in Avalon, Glastonbury. This magical occasion will also coincide with the launch of a brand new water treasure essence called 'Temples of Light'.
I invite those dedicated to working in service to the light to join me in activating another layer, connecting with and celebrating the Love of the Divine and the purity of the source.
Discover the spiritual structures of these unique mountains and the magic within. The energies of pure stillness and devotion to the sacred, where monasteries and places of spiritual enlightenment have been built.
About the event:
At this event, as part of the pre-launch of a brand new water memory treasure from PipEssence, will journey and meet the powerful extensions of our Great Mother and her closer connections to the original 'source' energy. We will journey with some of her guardians and ambassadors on many planes, as we develop a rich dialogue within the core of our being.
We will be delving into the water vibrations of this new essence, initiating and weaving from these new codes of crystalline layers of sound, sacred geometry, crystals, stones and flowers.
We will also be hearing from our guest speakers Clea Gompels and Karin Elder who will each describe their journey in collecting the sacred water and together we will taking these vibrational codes outside onto the land and water ways within Avalon.​ We will be also be celebrating 'World Tibet Day' as a reference to the Tibetan Plateau the 'Roof of the World' which forms part of opening our upper chakras.
The event will include some gentle body movement, mudras and an exquisite soundscape, from Tina Westall and her Alchemy Crystal of Sound.
I hope you will join me with open hearts to embrace this sacredness, as we reach our outstretched hands toward the heavens and ground our bare feet to Mother Earth. Together, let's celebrate the beauty of our shared experience and the unity that surrounds us.
This weekend event does not include any accommodation. Please feel free to contact us for some suggestions of some wonderful places to stay.​
Please bring some outdoor wear with you.
Light refreshments will be provided during the event and there will be a lunch break where you can visit many of the nourishing cafes in Glastonbury.
The Goddess House has a kitchenette area if you would like to bring a packed lunch.
St Dunstan's Car Park 10 Magdalene St, Glastonbury BA6 9EH
St Johns Car Park 10 St John's Square, Glastonbury BA6 9LJ
Silver Street Car Park Silver St, Glastonbury BA6 8BS​